Land Use and Resources Videos
Freeways Without Futures (CNU23 Dallas Edition)
DATE: 2015
TRT: 4'41"
Ft. Worth’s Sundance Square Plaza
DATE: 2015
TRT: 2'59"
Walks Of Life: Rails To Trails
DATE: 2015
TRT: 4'12"
The Gabe Klein Interview: Start-Up City
DATE: 2015
TRT: 13'09"
Gabe Klein on the Role of Technology in Cities Today & Near Future
DATE: 2015
TRT: 2'43"
Patrick Condon: Can Eco-density Reduce Our Ecological Footprint?
DATE: 2014
TRT: 21'35"
Laurie Olin on Design: Evoking Nature in the City
DATE: 2012
TRT: 2'47"
Laurie Olin Biography: Recalling Ian McHarg and Ecological Planning
DATE: 2012
TRT: 3'20"
Majora Carter on Environmental Justice
DATE: 2012
TRT: 2'16"
Moving Beyond the Automobile: Highway Removal
DATE: 2011
TRT: 5'40"
Julie Campoli: Farm Yards to Floodplains: Agriculture Across the Metropolitan Region
DATE: 2010
TRT: 5'58"
Cities in Focus | New York City
DATE: 2010
TRT: 5'52"
Inspired Ethonomics: Portland, a Global Model of Transit-Oriented Development
DATE: 2010
TRT: 3'27
TEDAtlanta – Ryan Gravel – Building the City We Want to Live In
DATE: 2010
TRT: 17'46"
Open Books: David Owen on Great American Cities
DATE: 2009
TRT: 2'22"
Built To Last
DATE: 2009
TRT: 2'54"
Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto
DATE: 2006
TRT: 19'16"
How a Brazilian City Has Revolutionized Urban Planning
DATE: 2006
TRT: 15'12"
Ian McHarg at the 1997 ESRI User Conference Part 1
DATE: 1997
TRT: 6'31"
Ian McHarg at the 1997 ESRI User Conference Part 2
DATE: 1997
TRT: 8'13"
Ian McHarg on Charlie Rose
DATE: 1997
TRT: 10'12"
1959 Film from ULI and National Association of Homebuilders Warns of Urban Sprawl
DATE: 1959
TRT: 16'02"